Right Frank
International Nutrition and Genetics Technologies
tel/fax +380487095993


Right Frank imports premixes produced by Frank Wright. Among them there are premixes for pigs, dairy cattle, and poultry. All of them are manufactured in the United Kingdom by Frank Wright.
Also Right Frank imports special products: Formin, Klinofeed, Tri-Sol, Right Start, FYS, Ascogen. They are manufactured in Europe according to the highest quality standards and are distributed al over Ukraine. 

video Coventry Chemicals Production more >
photo Quality control is one of the most important conditions of production for livestock and poultry. more >
Contacts Right frank Ltd. 43a Troitska St. Of.2  Odessa 65045 Ukraine more >
About us We also deal with the bull semen, including the sexed semen, offered by Cogent Breeding company, which is the UK's leading supplier of bovine genetics.Moreover, Right Frank Ltd renders analytical… more >